APOA Cairns April 2025 - The clinical course and outcomes following arthroscopic frozen shoulder 360 degree release

March 3, 2025

Our recent study “The clinicalcourse and outcomes following arthroscopic frozen shoulder 360° release” has been accepted for anotheroral presentation at the upcoming Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Congress2025. This follows its recent publication in JSES International, and presentationof its findings at the Australian Orthopaedic Association’s Annual ScientificMeeting in October 2024.  

Brandon Ziegenfuss will be presentingthe study, which assessed patient reported outcome measures and range of motionof 50 patients diagnosed with severe or recalcitrant frozen shoulder at regularintervals following complete capsular release.

The authors found that patientsexperienced statistically significant improvements in all measures of shoulderfunction, pain and range of motion at 24 months postop. Importantly,significant improvements exceeding the minimal clinically important differencefor each outcome score were seen by up to 94% of patients as early as 2 weekspostoperatively. The technique is safe and reliable, netting consistent patientreported outcome measures with no reports of complications in this study.

For more information on this study, click here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666638324001749


And for more information on thesurgical technique employed, click here:
